In earlier posts I spoke about how DNA can be influenced through one's own consciousness, and such practices as meditation, prayer, mantras, zikrs, for example, can - and do - have an effect upon one's biological functioning through the nervous system coming from the DNA. In fact, Timothy Leary's work - such as 'Info-psychology' - discusses meta-programming the 'human bio-computer' by accessing the DNA through various ways. Also, this theme has been touched upon by Shamanic work, too numerous to list here. Now - we are, finally, gaining scientific validation.
A few months previously I posted about Masaru Emoto's 'Hidden Messages in Water' where his microscopic photographs of water crystals showed how they are affected by words and environment. It is now being researched how words and environment have a similar, direct, effect upon our DNA.
Researchers Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf have written a book on this research (unfortunately only available in German). However, there are many sites where some of this material is summarised: such as Spirituality and Science, and DNA Molecule. I post an extract:
"DNA Can Be Influenced And Reprogrammed By Words And Frequencies Russian DNA Discoveries.
The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), the mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.
In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes.
The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA. [For the sake of brevity I will give only a summary here. For further exploration please refer to the appendix at the end of this article.]
The bottom line was:
"Living chromosomes function just like solitonic/holographic computers using the endogenous DNA laser radiation."
This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns onto a laser ray and with it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language!
This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used."
Fascinating research - and compels us to have a positive attitude, and right-speaking, for this all influences are own genetic make-up.
The next area to research is how DNA acts as a receiver/transmitter of the wave-frequencies that constitute this 'world around us'.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
The Need for Transcendence in the Postmodern World
Vaclav Havel, iconic ex-president of the Czech Republic, gave a speech at the Independence Hall, Philadelphia, July 4, 1994, titled 'The Need for Transcendence in the Postmodern World'. As always, Havel is a thoughtful, spiritual, and lucid thinker/speaker. I quote, at length, from this speech as it contains so much right thinking, in my opinion:
"...we are not at all just an accidental anomaly, the microscopic caprice of a tine particle whirling in the endless depth of the universe. Instead, we are mysteriously connected to the entire universe, we are mirrored in it, just as the entire evolution of the universe is mirrored in us.
Until recently, it might have seemed that we were an unhappy bit of mildew on a heavenly body whirling in space among many that have no mildew on them at all. this was something that classical science could explain. Yet, the moment it begins to appear that we are deeply connected to the entire universe, science reaches the outer limits of its powers. Because it is founded on the search for universal laws, it cannot deal with singularity, that is, with uniqueness. The universe is a unique event and a unique story, and so far we are the unique point of that story. But unique events and stories are the domain of poetry, not science...
...the awareness of our being anchored in the earth and the universe, the awareness that we are not here alone nor for ourselves alone, but that we are an integral part of higher, mysterious entities against whom it is not advisable to blaspheme. This forgotten awareness is encoded in all religions. All cultures anticipate it in various forms. It is one of the things that form the basis of man's understanding of himself, of his place in the world, and ultimately of the world as such...
...Yes, the only real hope of people today is probably a renewal of our certainty that we are rooted in the earth and, at the same time, in the cosmos. This awareness endows us with the capacity for self-transcendence. Politicians at international forums may reiterate a thousand times that the basis of the new world order must be universal respects for human rights, but it will mean nothing as long as this imperative does not derive from the respect of the miracle of Being, the miracle of the universe, the miracle of nature, the miracle of our own existence. Only someone who submits to the authority of the universal order and of creation, who values the right to be a part of it and a participant in it, can genuinely value himself and his neighbors, and thus honor their rights as well.
It logically follows that, in today's multicultural world, the truly reliable path to coexistence, to peaceful coexistence and creative cooperation, must start from what is at the root of all cultures and what lies infinitely deeper in human hearts and minds than political opinion, convictions, antipathies, or sympathies - it must be rooted in self-transcendence:
* Transcendence as a hand reached out to those close to us, to foreigners, to the human community, to all living creatures, to nature, to the universe.
* Transcendence as a deeply and joyously experienced need to be in harmony even with what we ourselves are not, what we do not understand, what seems distant from us in time and space, but with which we are nevertheless mysteriously linked because, together with us, all this constitutes a single world.
* Transcendence as the only real alternative to extinction. "
Amen (that's from me!)
"...we are not at all just an accidental anomaly, the microscopic caprice of a tine particle whirling in the endless depth of the universe. Instead, we are mysteriously connected to the entire universe, we are mirrored in it, just as the entire evolution of the universe is mirrored in us.
Until recently, it might have seemed that we were an unhappy bit of mildew on a heavenly body whirling in space among many that have no mildew on them at all. this was something that classical science could explain. Yet, the moment it begins to appear that we are deeply connected to the entire universe, science reaches the outer limits of its powers. Because it is founded on the search for universal laws, it cannot deal with singularity, that is, with uniqueness. The universe is a unique event and a unique story, and so far we are the unique point of that story. But unique events and stories are the domain of poetry, not science...
...the awareness of our being anchored in the earth and the universe, the awareness that we are not here alone nor for ourselves alone, but that we are an integral part of higher, mysterious entities against whom it is not advisable to blaspheme. This forgotten awareness is encoded in all religions. All cultures anticipate it in various forms. It is one of the things that form the basis of man's understanding of himself, of his place in the world, and ultimately of the world as such...
...Yes, the only real hope of people today is probably a renewal of our certainty that we are rooted in the earth and, at the same time, in the cosmos. This awareness endows us with the capacity for self-transcendence. Politicians at international forums may reiterate a thousand times that the basis of the new world order must be universal respects for human rights, but it will mean nothing as long as this imperative does not derive from the respect of the miracle of Being, the miracle of the universe, the miracle of nature, the miracle of our own existence. Only someone who submits to the authority of the universal order and of creation, who values the right to be a part of it and a participant in it, can genuinely value himself and his neighbors, and thus honor their rights as well.
It logically follows that, in today's multicultural world, the truly reliable path to coexistence, to peaceful coexistence and creative cooperation, must start from what is at the root of all cultures and what lies infinitely deeper in human hearts and minds than political opinion, convictions, antipathies, or sympathies - it must be rooted in self-transcendence:
* Transcendence as a hand reached out to those close to us, to foreigners, to the human community, to all living creatures, to nature, to the universe.
* Transcendence as a deeply and joyously experienced need to be in harmony even with what we ourselves are not, what we do not understand, what seems distant from us in time and space, but with which we are nevertheless mysteriously linked because, together with us, all this constitutes a single world.
* Transcendence as the only real alternative to extinction. "
Amen (that's from me!)
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
'We' make a brain - 'It' flies a plane
Listen to this: A University of Florida scientist has grown a living "brain" that can fly a simulated plane, giving scientists a novel way to observe how brain cells function as a network.
This research - detailed in an article called 'Brain' In A Dish Acts As Autopilot, Living Computer' describes how 25,000 neurons from a rat's brain were cultured in a dish.
The article states that:
"To control the simulated aircraft, the neurons first receive information from the computer about flight conditions: whether the plane is flying straight and level or is tilted to the left or to the right. The neurons then analyze the data and respond by sending signals to the plane's controls. Those signals alter the flight path and new information is sent to the neurons, creating a feedback system."
"Initially when we hook up this brain to a flight simulator, it doesn't know how to control the aircraft," DeMarse said. "So you hook it up and the aircraft simply drifts randomly. And as the data comes in, it slowly modifies the (neural) network so over time, the network gradually learns to fly the aircraft."
This is an attempt to see how the brain can work in conjunction with, and as, a computer. This may be one of the most important steps towards a DNA computer. Once biological DNA can be harnessed and interfaced with computer processing, we are leaping into a wholly unexplored region of human evolution. Humanity will never be the same species again.
Yet there is much that mainstream scientists do not understand about our DNA.
Eg. - What is the function for our 95% 'junk' DNA?
- What is the purpose of DNA being liquid crystal?
- What is the function of the DNA's emitted biophotons and its electromagnetic
- How is it that many visionaries have talked about entering and meta-programming
their own DNA?
So much to know - be careful when messing with our DNA!
This research - detailed in an article called 'Brain' In A Dish Acts As Autopilot, Living Computer' describes how 25,000 neurons from a rat's brain were cultured in a dish.
The article states that:
"To control the simulated aircraft, the neurons first receive information from the computer about flight conditions: whether the plane is flying straight and level or is tilted to the left or to the right. The neurons then analyze the data and respond by sending signals to the plane's controls. Those signals alter the flight path and new information is sent to the neurons, creating a feedback system."
"Initially when we hook up this brain to a flight simulator, it doesn't know how to control the aircraft," DeMarse said. "So you hook it up and the aircraft simply drifts randomly. And as the data comes in, it slowly modifies the (neural) network so over time, the network gradually learns to fly the aircraft."
This is an attempt to see how the brain can work in conjunction with, and as, a computer. This may be one of the most important steps towards a DNA computer. Once biological DNA can be harnessed and interfaced with computer processing, we are leaping into a wholly unexplored region of human evolution. Humanity will never be the same species again.
Yet there is much that mainstream scientists do not understand about our DNA.
Eg. - What is the function for our 95% 'junk' DNA?
- What is the purpose of DNA being liquid crystal?
- What is the function of the DNA's emitted biophotons and its electromagnetic
- How is it that many visionaries have talked about entering and meta-programming
their own DNA?
So much to know - be careful when messing with our DNA!
New Web - New Us
Much is being said about how the Web & Net is being used and transformed. Business Week have a good overview article called 'It's A Whole New Web' which looks at how the once more consumer-driven Web is changing into a more 2-way creative Web.
This is true - take blogging for example: we can all become self-publishers. We take, edit, adapt, information. We receive, store, utilise, and pass on information and energy. According to biology, these are the core characteristics and features of living systems. Does this mean we are behaving as a vast single living system?
Why not? Yet we are not yet co-ordinated enough to call ourselves a whole. Our electrical signals are connecting, but not yet our nervous systems. Our body's DNA is resonating with its own biophotons, not with others.
We need to strive to become more creative, less automated, and follow the path that opens up for us rather than the one provided by the system.
Remember the slogan: 'You're laughing at me because I'm different. Yet I'm laughing at you because you're all the same'
collective intelligence
This is true - take blogging for example: we can all become self-publishers. We take, edit, adapt, information. We receive, store, utilise, and pass on information and energy. According to biology, these are the core characteristics and features of living systems. Does this mean we are behaving as a vast single living system?
Why not? Yet we are not yet co-ordinated enough to call ourselves a whole. Our electrical signals are connecting, but not yet our nervous systems. Our body's DNA is resonating with its own biophotons, not with others.
We need to strive to become more creative, less automated, and follow the path that opens up for us rather than the one provided by the system.
Remember the slogan: 'You're laughing at me because I'm different. Yet I'm laughing at you because you're all the same'
collective intelligence
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Intelligence in the Internet age
An article called 'Intelligence in the Internet age', and published in the New York Times today (19/09/05), asks the question: Do innovations and new technologies make us more intelligent?
The article revolves around the question of whether technology decreases our memory capacity as we rely on computers and technology to become our external brains. One answer to that is given as:
'It's true we don't remember anything anymore, but we don't need to...We might one day sit around and reminisce about having to remember phone numbers, but it's not a bad thing. It frees us up to think about other things. The brain has a limited capacity, if you give it high-level tools, it will work on high-level problems'.
This is a debate that goes as far back as Plato's 'Republic' in which Thales discusses whether the art of writing will cause people to stop using their memories/minds. Yet with increased access to information, is there another function behind this directionality. I feel there is. And it's down to field theory.
The species-mind is inherently connected, although on a sub-atomic wave level and not in a physical sense. We often have ideas that are simultaneously shared with our friends or associates. Minds in close contact/proximity entangle together and share thought-forms. The species-mind is moving toward being awakened - our collective conscience - yet we require triggers, stimuli, in order to activate latent neuro-biological processes. If increased access to information is available, and ubiquitous connectivity allows not only a rapid sharing of information, but a simultaneous timeframe for emotional and cognitive responses, we have the potential to 'lock-on' to a shared mind that is able to resonate at a greater frequency if there are similar resonances around the globe. We can all trigger each other - like neurons in a global brain.
"The key thing about all the world's big problems is that they have to be dealt with collectively...If we don't get collectively smarter, we're doomed." (Doug Engelbart)
Have you noticed recently how many more people/friends around you are understanding similar ideas and feeling about the state we are in?
collective intelligence
The article revolves around the question of whether technology decreases our memory capacity as we rely on computers and technology to become our external brains. One answer to that is given as:
'It's true we don't remember anything anymore, but we don't need to...We might one day sit around and reminisce about having to remember phone numbers, but it's not a bad thing. It frees us up to think about other things. The brain has a limited capacity, if you give it high-level tools, it will work on high-level problems'.
This is a debate that goes as far back as Plato's 'Republic' in which Thales discusses whether the art of writing will cause people to stop using their memories/minds. Yet with increased access to information, is there another function behind this directionality. I feel there is. And it's down to field theory.
The species-mind is inherently connected, although on a sub-atomic wave level and not in a physical sense. We often have ideas that are simultaneously shared with our friends or associates. Minds in close contact/proximity entangle together and share thought-forms. The species-mind is moving toward being awakened - our collective conscience - yet we require triggers, stimuli, in order to activate latent neuro-biological processes. If increased access to information is available, and ubiquitous connectivity allows not only a rapid sharing of information, but a simultaneous timeframe for emotional and cognitive responses, we have the potential to 'lock-on' to a shared mind that is able to resonate at a greater frequency if there are similar resonances around the globe. We can all trigger each other - like neurons in a global brain.
"The key thing about all the world's big problems is that they have to be dealt with collectively...If we don't get collectively smarter, we're doomed." (Doug Engelbart)
Have you noticed recently how many more people/friends around you are understanding similar ideas and feeling about the state we are in?
collective intelligence
Thursday, September 15, 2005
The Simulation Story
A 6-hour commentary hosted by integral philosopher and mystic Ken Wilber, along with religious scholar Cornel West, accompanies the release of 'The Ultimate Matrix Collection' - reviewed on WIE. An extract relates how:
“Light and energy represent spirit in this trilogy,” Wilber points out at the end of the first film. Piercing through the Wachowskis' layers of arcane symbolism, he adds: “The machines themselves appear to be beings of light—they're not just evil or bad as you might think at first.” He explains that the Wachowski brothers have established a recurring pattern of “body, mind, and spirit” throughout the trilogy: everything in blue hues (screen tint, background colors, clothing) represents Zion, the last human refuge, which equals the level of “body”; everything tinted green represents the Matrix or “the world of the mind”; and everything that appears as golden light—i.e., the external machine world through Neo's psychic eyes—corresponds to spirit. Wilber then summarizes the trilogy's plot in one sentence: “There's an inherent instability in all three of these worlds—the world of the machines, the world of Zion, and the world of the Matrix—until they're integrated.” And that integration occurs when the fully evolved Neo merges, Christlike, with the central computer of the machine world at the end of the third movie, an event that Wilber concludes is the culmination of Neo's own enlightenment and the spiritual salvation of all three mutually interdependent realms.
Another independent voice on this subject is Ramsey Dukes who wrote about this originally in a book released in 1988 called: 'Words Made Flesh: Virtual Reality, Humanity and the Cosmos'
Still the question revolves around not only simulation and intelligence, but also consciousness and wisdom. Can technologically enhanced transcendence catalyse emergent cosmic consciousness. In such a scenerio, molecular and matter engineering with be voided by the encapsulation of light and energy... I wonder...
“Light and energy represent spirit in this trilogy,” Wilber points out at the end of the first film. Piercing through the Wachowskis' layers of arcane symbolism, he adds: “The machines themselves appear to be beings of light—they're not just evil or bad as you might think at first.” He explains that the Wachowski brothers have established a recurring pattern of “body, mind, and spirit” throughout the trilogy: everything in blue hues (screen tint, background colors, clothing) represents Zion, the last human refuge, which equals the level of “body”; everything tinted green represents the Matrix or “the world of the mind”; and everything that appears as golden light—i.e., the external machine world through Neo's psychic eyes—corresponds to spirit. Wilber then summarizes the trilogy's plot in one sentence: “There's an inherent instability in all three of these worlds—the world of the machines, the world of Zion, and the world of the Matrix—until they're integrated.” And that integration occurs when the fully evolved Neo merges, Christlike, with the central computer of the machine world at the end of the third movie, an event that Wilber concludes is the culmination of Neo's own enlightenment and the spiritual salvation of all three mutually interdependent realms.
Another independent voice on this subject is Ramsey Dukes who wrote about this originally in a book released in 1988 called: 'Words Made Flesh: Virtual Reality, Humanity and the Cosmos'
Still the question revolves around not only simulation and intelligence, but also consciousness and wisdom. Can technologically enhanced transcendence catalyse emergent cosmic consciousness. In such a scenerio, molecular and matter engineering with be voided by the encapsulation of light and energy... I wonder...
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Evolution as simulation
Transhumanist philosopher Nick Bostrom, and head of the new Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford has written some insightful articles on whether we are living in a computer simulation. The abstract for his central argument is based on the following propositions:
(1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage;
(2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof);
(3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation. A number of other consequences of this result are also discussed.
This simulation-argument concerns whether the future of our species evolution is to become 'like gods' in order to run our own simulations and hence join the cyclic-cosmic-circuit. This, for me, has serious implications upon the function of our DNA, since biology has already found that DNA emits biophotons to act as a form of holographic resonance (see the work of biophysicist Mae Wan-Ho at the Open University); and would also point to some interesting comparisons to the visions experienced under shamanistic conditions (see 'The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge' by Jeremy Narby).
What would this mean for humanity and 'what it means to be human' if this was the case. Could we handle the implications?
(1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage;
(2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof);
(3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation. A number of other consequences of this result are also discussed.
This simulation-argument concerns whether the future of our species evolution is to become 'like gods' in order to run our own simulations and hence join the cyclic-cosmic-circuit. This, for me, has serious implications upon the function of our DNA, since biology has already found that DNA emits biophotons to act as a form of holographic resonance (see the work of biophysicist Mae Wan-Ho at the Open University); and would also point to some interesting comparisons to the visions experienced under shamanistic conditions (see 'The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge' by Jeremy Narby).
What would this mean for humanity and 'what it means to be human' if this was the case. Could we handle the implications?
Friday, September 09, 2005
The Evolving Brain
In an article today published in the New York Times titled 'Brain May Still Be Evolving, Studies Hint' it suggested that the genes which influence brain evolution are still active:
"Two genes involved in determining the size of the human brain have undergone substantial evolution in the last 60,000 years, researchers say, leading to the surprising suggestion that the brain is still undergoing rapid evolution.
The discovery adds weight to the view that human evolution is still a work in progress, since previous instances of recent genetic change have come to light in genes that defend against disease and confer the ability to digest milk in adulthood.
It had been widely assumed until recently that human evolution more or less stopped 50,000 years ago."
Finally, they recognise that our species-evolution hasn't finished yet!
"Two genes involved in determining the size of the human brain have undergone substantial evolution in the last 60,000 years, researchers say, leading to the surprising suggestion that the brain is still undergoing rapid evolution.
The discovery adds weight to the view that human evolution is still a work in progress, since previous instances of recent genetic change have come to light in genes that defend against disease and confer the ability to digest milk in adulthood.
It had been widely assumed until recently that human evolution more or less stopped 50,000 years ago."
Finally, they recognise that our species-evolution hasn't finished yet!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Step Inside the Digital Universe
In a recent interview, Tom Huston talked to entrepreneur Joe Firmage about his 'cosmic' plan for the future of the internet. Here is a paragraph from the brief conversation - from the WIE site:
"It is the year 2019. Logging on to the internet through your nanotech implants, you lean back in your chair and close your eyes. Smiling, as always, at the sensation of weightlessness produced by the tiny robots attached to every nerve ending in your body, you find yourself floating in space at your favorite starting point, fifteen million light-years beyond the Milky Way galaxy. This is far enough outside the “local group” of galaxies to enable you to see them in all their awesome splendor—the massive twin spirals of Andromeda and the Milky Way, the smaller spiral of Triangulum, and over twenty-five other clusters of billions of suns scattered before you, brilliantly glowing against the infinite black void. Although most people choose to start their web browsing from a location a lot closer to home, for some reason you've always preferred taking the more scenic route . . .
Back in 2005, such a scenario may be difficult to take seriously, but it's almost equally hard to believe that the world wide web has only been in existence for little over a decade."
It will be amazing, how the exponential rate of change in technological evolution will take us into realms that are beyond our present ken of understanding - what some commentators refer to as the Singularity. What is the crucial area for me is how this technological advancement will converge with the intelligence increase and expansion of human consciousness that is in parallel transformation.
collective intelligence
"It is the year 2019. Logging on to the internet through your nanotech implants, you lean back in your chair and close your eyes. Smiling, as always, at the sensation of weightlessness produced by the tiny robots attached to every nerve ending in your body, you find yourself floating in space at your favorite starting point, fifteen million light-years beyond the Milky Way galaxy. This is far enough outside the “local group” of galaxies to enable you to see them in all their awesome splendor—the massive twin spirals of Andromeda and the Milky Way, the smaller spiral of Triangulum, and over twenty-five other clusters of billions of suns scattered before you, brilliantly glowing against the infinite black void. Although most people choose to start their web browsing from a location a lot closer to home, for some reason you've always preferred taking the more scenic route . . .
Back in 2005, such a scenario may be difficult to take seriously, but it's almost equally hard to believe that the world wide web has only been in existence for little over a decade."
It will be amazing, how the exponential rate of change in technological evolution will take us into realms that are beyond our present ken of understanding - what some commentators refer to as the Singularity. What is the crucial area for me is how this technological advancement will converge with the intelligence increase and expansion of human consciousness that is in parallel transformation.
collective intelligence
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Life Ahead
Thinker Ray Kurzweil, whom I have discussed several times, has an impressive lecture - PowerPoint - How We Can Manage Our Way Through the Intertwined Promise and Peril of Accelerating Change - which was a keynote address at the Program for 1st Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology.
Kurzweil's dense 88-slide lecture discusses, amongst other things, the future trajectory of human-machine convergence. For 2010 he predicts the following:
- Images written directly to our retinas
- Ubiquitous high bandwidth connection to the Internet at all times
- Electronics so tiny it’s embedded in the environment, our clothing, our eyeglasses
- Full immersion visual-auditory virtual reality
- Augmented real reality
- Interaction with virtual personalities as a primary interface
- Effective language technologies
Again, a shift that indicates a global super-organism that is continously connected to a hypergrid, or terramesh network of increasing intelligence.
Kurzweil's dense 88-slide lecture discusses, amongst other things, the future trajectory of human-machine convergence. For 2010 he predicts the following:
- Images written directly to our retinas
- Ubiquitous high bandwidth connection to the Internet at all times
- Electronics so tiny it’s embedded in the environment, our clothing, our eyeglasses
- Full immersion visual-auditory virtual reality
- Augmented real reality
- Interaction with virtual personalities as a primary interface
- Effective language technologies
Again, a shift that indicates a global super-organism that is continously connected to a hypergrid, or terramesh network of increasing intelligence.
Metaman - beyond Man?
Having made previous posts on the notion of the Global Brain, I thought it a useful addition to make mention of another book in this area: called Metaman by Gregory Stock - UCLA academic (and, interestingly, an advocate of the transhuman society of Extropians). Metaman's thesis is that
"human society is becoming an immense living being - a global super-organism in which humans, knitted together by modern technology and communication, are playing a role akin to the individual cells in an animal's body. It presents a case that this biological interpretation of human society, which has frequently been used in the past as a metaphor, is now actually becoming a reality. This book calls this super-organism "Metaman", meaning "beyond and transcending humans". The name both acknowledges humanity's key role in the entity's formation and stresses that, though human centred, it is more than humanity alone."
Incidentally, Stock's other books include Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future .
collective intelligence
"human society is becoming an immense living being - a global super-organism in which humans, knitted together by modern technology and communication, are playing a role akin to the individual cells in an animal's body. It presents a case that this biological interpretation of human society, which has frequently been used in the past as a metaphor, is now actually becoming a reality. This book calls this super-organism "Metaman", meaning "beyond and transcending humans". The name both acknowledges humanity's key role in the entity's formation and stresses that, though human centred, it is more than humanity alone."
Incidentally, Stock's other books include Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future .
collective intelligence
Friday, September 02, 2005

Lights at night on Earth as seen from the night sky. This image could also be cells grouping together in the body, under a microscope. And this is the point: as individuals we have our capacities and our faults, and it is hard to view ourselves as a macro-species entity: as a collective superorganism. Yet connected we are - and becoming increasingly so. When the Earth arrives at a particular level of human connectivity, when our lives, infrastructures, institutions (including economic) are networked into a macro, interconnected living structure (or being) - what is the next step?
Is evolution taking us on a journey towards a higher species form, as did bacterical evolution billions of years previously?
Thursday, September 01, 2005
This year's Accelerating Change 2005 conference (AC2005), Sept. 16-18 at Stanford, promises to be "outstanding," organizer John Smart tells Accelerating Intelligence news, with 51 top speakers and emcees.
The conference focuses on "artificial intelligence and intelligence amplification transforming technology, empowering humanity." Consistent with that theme, Ray Kurzweil will keynote the event and will distribute pre-publication signed copies of his The Singularity is Near to the first 250 attendees, and keynoter Vernor Vinge will describe strategies for avoiding a disruptive "hard takeoff" Singularity.
Among the many other interesting speakers: Robert Hecht-Nielsen on how the brain actually computes, Ron Kaplan and Jan Pederson debating strategies for making a conversational user interface (CUI) by 2015, Daniel Amen with SPECT scans showing the physical damage to your brain from alcohol and drug abuse, Dileep George of Numenta and Bruno Olshausen of Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience on the new biologically inspired AI models that Jeff Hawkins described in On Intelligence, Tom Malone of MIT Sloan School of management on how the new network decentralization has permanently changed the business landscape, Steve Jurvetson on open collaborative exchange, and Harold Morowitz on using DNA-guided protein synthesis as a self-organized computing system built on fats, proteins and nucleic acids.
The conference focuses on "artificial intelligence and intelligence amplification transforming technology, empowering humanity." Consistent with that theme, Ray Kurzweil will keynote the event and will distribute pre-publication signed copies of his The Singularity is Near to the first 250 attendees, and keynoter Vernor Vinge will describe strategies for avoiding a disruptive "hard takeoff" Singularity.
Among the many other interesting speakers: Robert Hecht-Nielsen on how the brain actually computes, Ron Kaplan and Jan Pederson debating strategies for making a conversational user interface (CUI) by 2015, Daniel Amen with SPECT scans showing the physical damage to your brain from alcohol and drug abuse, Dileep George of Numenta and Bruno Olshausen of Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience on the new biologically inspired AI models that Jeff Hawkins described in On Intelligence, Tom Malone of MIT Sloan School of management on how the new network decentralization has permanently changed the business landscape, Steve Jurvetson on open collaborative exchange, and Harold Morowitz on using DNA-guided protein synthesis as a self-organized computing system built on fats, proteins and nucleic acids.
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