Thursday, October 04, 2007

'In The Image of the Gods' - A Modern Parable

'At the birth of civilisation amidst the ancient rise of the dynasties there emerged a powerful race of beings who superseded all known life in their high intelligence and wisdom. They believed that their inheritance belonged to the stars and that they themselves were indeed a genetic offspring from deliberate breeding with alien intelligences that had arrived from the cosmos to visit their planet Earth in an earlier age : they considered themselves to be in the 'image of their gods'. To this order they built many domains of worship, and erected many centres of astrological significance to study the heavens, the knowledge of the operation of such centres being strictly limited to the higher brethren.

As a further act of worship and thanks to their creators of life, this elite passed a decree where at the ending of every month a human sacrifice would be made as a show of their continuing devotion, and in the hope that their higher ancestors would one day return to view their work. These sacrifices were taken from the regular population of humanoids, as it was the elite wise that were required for the civilisation's constant progress. The choices as to who would be sacrificed were made at random. After a period of time however, the common populace began to grow disgruntled at this state of affairs and became restless at their unvoiced position below the ruling authority. This unease quickly grew and developed into a general state of unrest that was seen by the elite as both a danger to their own positions and to the equilibrium of their society's fabric. They became anxious that a remedy be quickly and effectively found. This question as to how to solve this unrest was sent out to all the great and wise that composed the elite, and to all the most respected and knowledgeable beings.

Finally, after much raised eyebrows, there stepped forward the figure of Jesuem Moham Rosencrantz who was regarded my most to be a highly intelligent individual and a gifted practitioner of magic. He declared that he had looked into this problem deeply and his profound insight and practical knowledge had come up with the ideal solution. This consisted of hypnotising the common people into believing that they were immortal, and if they sacrificed themselves to the gods then their spirit or 'soul' as Jesuem called it ( so as to give it a mystical regal nomenclature ) would ascend to the stars to be beside the throne of their gods and they would continue to exist within eternal peace. Jesuem proposed that this hypnotic trance would lead everyone to believe that the ruling elite were thoughtful and considerate beings who strived for the mutual good of all classes of beings. To add further onto this the populace would be hypnotised into also believing that their present position was a worthy and satisfactory one and that there was no need to strive for any knowledge of awareness of one's self since there would be no need for this as their sole purpose was to live for the community and reach heaven in eternity. This proposal of Jesuem Moham Rosencrantz was welcomed with mighty approval by all the other elite beings, and was soon put into action.

The general humanoid was thus turned into a walking automation, believing in their mundane life and looking towards death as a gateway into the realms of the holy. And so this ancient civilisation remained intact and continued to prosper for many generations, producing much intelligent thought and practises that are sadly lost to the world of today ; known only to the wise few as secret knowledge. Sadly, the only remnants that have remained from this early order is their magic that has been passed through the genetic gene pools for thousands of years. The power of this initial trance state created by Jesuem was so intense that it has survived until this present day in the consciousness of virtually every human. Most people are still living within a diseased sleep, unaware of their state and their lack of knowledge. They still carry with them the idea that once dead their eternal 'soul' will ascend to the land of the gods, and so while alive they maintain this slaved duty to the social order.

It is of interest here to also note that this notion of ascending to the stars has been expanded and developed upon through the ages to incorporate its opposite - namely that if a common man throws his life against the grain of social order or strives to upset the morals of the 'elders', then that being will find their 'soul' being cast eternally into a sphere labelled as 'damnation' which is said to be torturous and an existence of constant pain. Such half-weaved tales have planted themselves into the framework of many present civilisations and the human psyche is now a torn and damaged instrument, affected by bad programming and mental shocks. There will never be a cure for this disintegration until the humanoids begin to become aware of this problem themselves.'

A Modern Parable?


Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me how deeply entrenched people are into their own world views. They create their own perspective - without even being aware of it.


Anonymous said...

No doubt this is still the case today. And man is it hard to wake people up.