Thursday, November 08, 2007

2012: The Times Ahead

I sat down in the evening and asked for guidance as I placed my fingers upon the keyboard - the following came out, without stops... it was just an experiment, and I make no judgement:

We are in unprecedented times - the times ahead will be one of courage and fortitude, relying on inner knowledge rather than outer instruments; of sensing rather than the shelter of objects. Yet this is not a time of fear, for with preparation and certitude the times ahead can be navigated. How can such certitude be gained? Through oneself, for it is within oneself that the keys to growth and renewal have been planted. It is within the very cellular being of each individual that the lessons have been planted, waiting for the harvest of uncertainty to reap the spiritual corn.

How often does a person sit quietly with themselves and asks the questions that are so rarely asked of oneself except in moments of crisis or uncommon intimacy? This is not to sound patronising - it is to enquire of a person the depth to which they know and are familiar with themselves. Far too often a person places the onus and burden upon others for lack of confidence or for laziness. How often opportunities for personal growth are missed through avoidance in dealing and facing trying moments of decision and action taken from oneself. In the coming years much will be expected from people as they face increased fears and challenges; challenges that present recorded history holds no precedent for. These challenges involve the shifts of energies that are emerging worldwide upon this planet now, and increasingly so in the years to come. Like attennas waiting for the switch from analogue to digital, for the upgrade, for the boost, our spirits - activated within our bodies - are attuning to the new frequencies arriving upon planet Earth.

The reasons for this are numerous, and involve the Great Design for evolutionary movement and growth within a cosmic context. Living Intelligence is greater than and more varied than Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and with humility and grace, the Sapien Intelligence can too participate in this upcoming Intelligence Shift that will encompass both Earthly/nature, organic/biological, solar/cosmic, and galaxial Intelligences. As one moves up a rung on the ladder, so those below may move up also.

Such leaps have been occurring at designated intervals throughout multiversal evolution, according to the designs and framework of each individual universe. These shifts must also coincide with favourable cosmic events - the 'windows of opportunity'. Such a window will soon present itself through cosmic/galactic favourability - however, the shift must also be aligned within an Earthly context too. And this is the responsibility of conscious and knowing Sapiens to rise up to this extraordinary and fantastic opportunity with light, intention, and great energies for change and empowerment. Link Together.

Change comes through conscious amplification of energy-resonance, like a string of bells ringing and vibrating in synchronization. Synchrony and harmony are essential in order for below-energies to better join with the higher-descending energies and for there to be less disruption in this meeting. Friction will of course be apparent in many ways; geological, pathological, socio-economic, and emotional. Preparation is the key here. With inner knowing, alertness, and readyness, the new energies can be better embraced and worked with in order to integrate the denser bodies into differing vibrationary states.

Please, spend some more time with yourself. Sit quietly and probe one's inner state. Ask for guidance and partnership, for in conscious partnership between joining Intelligences will true progress and wisdom be formed. This is not 'new-age' nonsense: it is steps towards greater practicality. The future is no longer the way it was; the way ahead is beyond all conceptions.

Times are accelerating - as people are increasingly becoming aware - and present formulations are proving inadequate for these times. Do not worry that events appear chaotic and tumultuous, for this they are. Chaos is not to be feared - think of it as moving ground, shifting soil. What about everything I hold dear? you may say. Now think: what do you really hold dear? And what are those things you would just prefer not to lose? Can you live without certain assurances? Possessions? Securities? There is nothing that will be taken from you that you cannot live without. And in those cases where life is taken away, it is because it serves a purpose as the spirit will undergo a needed 'shift' through this seemingly premature shedding of the skin: consider as the caterpillar to the butterfly rather than a body into the ground. Where there is death, there is continued life - nothing is ended.

Existence is both a playground of experiences as well as a classroom for learning and growth. As in all school there is homework too: in the case of Earth in the 21st century - great work and maturity is needed in order to reach towards Home. The real 'Home-Work thus lies in preparation for the times ahead. We all journey together. Be not separate in mind nor spirit for this is not so. See with your Heart and not your eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent intuition, and good advice. In order to survive and perhaps surpass our current state, awareness, both of outer chaos and of inner strength, is vital. Thanks for your continuing attention to these matters...I'm with you!!