Friday, August 18, 2006

Academia & Sufism

Once again, the two approaches meet. Similar to how Ibn Arabi came face to face with the scholars of his time centuries before: now Ibn Arabi is deconstructed through Derrida.

Seeker After Truth has an interesting post titled 'Sufism and Deconstruction: The Honesty of the Perplexed' which features a relatively recent book called 'Sufism and Deconstruction':

"Neither Ibn ‘Arabi nor Derrida seem to be afraid of bewilderment – or, for that matter, bewildering. Whether it is the constantly ‘exploding semantic horizons’ of the disseminating text,3 or the guidance which means being ‘guided to bewilderment’,4 the ‘acceptance of incoherentncoherence’5 or the God Who is everywhere and nowhere, both Derrida and Ibn ‘Arabi part with a philosophical and Koranic tradition which sees confusion synonymous with error, failure, untruth and sin."

Well... prepare to be confused!

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