I just thought I'd make mention and link to the now famous lecture given by D. C. Hammond at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday June 25, 1992. It's original title is "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse," yet it's now usually known as the "Greenbaum Speech" - very revealing, especially from a 'sober' academic - read the Greenbaum Speech here. This gives a good background to the subject, from its earlier days as described in the occult The Malleus Maleficarum
Also of related interest: a lecture given by Dr. Alan Scheflin called 'The History of Mind Control:What we can prove and what we can't'
Last link here: for those interested in the work of Jose Delgado, here is a site where you can download most of the complete chapters on Delgado's "Physical Control of the Mind"
In all of this, remember that knowledge and awareness is the greatest tool. Compassion our energy...

The "Dark" side of our collective knowledge of course runs us directly into the realm of 'Control' be it through military, government or of the mind, by religion or subliminal types of control.
These pictures of the chimps pain me greatly, as I have researched this sad part of human history and we are so brutal to our fellow beings upon this earth. People scream,, but it is for Science, and ultimately the benifit of mankind we do such research, and I am left speechless to rebuke them for their indifference to other life forms. Personally I think the knowledge gleaned from such experiments is tainted and will only show use in some Orwellian Big Brother scheme of Mind Control to be sure.
Thanks for the links as they will give me more food for thought and this weekend I am on a 'knowledge hunt' to cure my thirst for something new and eye opening,, this will do nicely!
Hi Scott - yes, the 'dark' side of knowledge is a shameful presence in our unfolding...
power + control are tempting to the human condition, yet need to be faced and encountered through awareness...
Good link kingsley! I'm enjoying reading it too!
Zoe xxx
It is troubling that this speech and the work slipped into obscurity;
Was he threatened?
Had to put up with harassment for Dr Elizabth Loftus-who may well be one of these victims in some VERY severe denail?
I realize that "forgotten memories" of incest was the rage back then, but surely if even 50% of the reports are true, this is mind boggling, and deserves continuing research...
btw-he is still a Prof at the U of U...
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