There has been a quietness gathering inside of me over the past few months. I have been less active on this site; less active in following the threads of spiraling events, circumstances, and conspirational truths. Yes:
- the financial economic global system is becoming increasingly unstable (and may go into meltdown - see this article in the Telegraph as well as this phone interview, amongst others)
- there is an uncanny and somewhat devious connection between recent earth changes/disasters and covert weather manipulations (see HAARP, Earthquakes, and Hurricanes)
- 2012 fears are being stoked by Hollywood as it plans to release/unleash a wave/plague of apocalypse films centered around the end of the Mayan Calendar in December 2012 (read 'Hollywood Apocalypse')
- there are worrying reports coming from inside sources/whistleblowers about uncertain critical futures and timelines
- there are known cover-ups at governmental level concerning non-terrestrial affairs and agreements (from former astronauts and respected consultants)
And much much more....
Yet the critical question for me these days is: Am I taking energy from myself or giving energy to myself? Am I taking energy from others or giving energy to others?
At all times it is imperative that individuals empower and nourish their energetic selves, and not allow disempowering thought forms to reside. Individuals are the circuitry for an emerging world of new energies.
"proper training of your mind, along with meditative/relaxation practice is the most important “safe place” preparation...Just remember - the real problems are generated in the mind. If you can train your mind, you have your island of light - your safe spot...Remember - train and prepare your mind and your hearts - then all else will be easy for you."
Q - Where will the 'safe havens' be for a critical future?
A - Within your Heart
Energy goes where attention flows - What's your attention focused on?
Thank you for this post! I am glad to read it, and take this reminder gratefully.
Thank You for popping by... :-)
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