Friday, August 01, 2008

The Science of Peace

'Is there a “consciousness field” of “radiant mind energy” that we all share? Could this be causing the changes we are now witnessing on the Earth and throughout the solar system? Does it have any effect on DNA, including complete species transformation?

Is this ‘Mind Field’ the ultimate answer to solving financial collapse, terrorism, violent crime and all manner of Earth Changes, leading to a true Science of Peace? … Yes.' says David Wilcock

In 'The Science of Peace' Wilcock addresses the following issues:

What if there was a whole science to studying this energy of the Mind Field — how it behaves, what it 'does,' how it can be harnessed, and how it is affecting our entire planet… nay, our solar system… at this time?

What if no matter how "right" we think we are, the Universe actually is a thinking, super-intelligent Being… trying to get us to lighten our rigid, fixed perspectives and take in new information?

How would the Universe go about teaching us something we may not want to know… something we absolutely refuse to believe… if ultimately this knowledge is far more important than anything else we will ever say, think or do in any number of human incarnations?

What if it is vital to our very survival that we realize we are creating our own reality, far more than we may ever believe? … That government corruption, war, famine, terrorism and all manner of Earth Changes are a mirror reflection… of our own internal disharmony?

What if we already HAVE the answer to create Peace… a power that everyone can call upon and use, once we understand the fundamentals… and by putting the pieces together and studying them, we can share this knowledge with others — and help turn things around?

What if the final answer to "save the world" is already known — ever since the dawn of Time — but the "Prime Directive" of the Universe is free will, so you still have to make up your own mind… you can never be force-fed information, no matter how vital it might be to your survival and ultimate spiritual growth?

More things to ponder about the connections between human 'free will', global mind field, the global energy grid, and earth changes...

The mind can never be bored - Especially when Wilcock's site gives free downloads of his three online books:

Shift of the Ages: Scientific Proof for Ascension

Science of Oneness

The Divine Cosmos: A Breathtaking New View of Reality

See - David's Online Library for more resources.

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