Science has always hovered uneasily on the fringes of morality and madness - sometimes sane, often innane - or worse: downright dangerous...
Just to keep our ears to the ground, and to learn what overtly is going on - read this recent report from Popular Science on 'The Scariest Ideas in Science' - including:
Reanimated Infection
Merciless Robot Soldiers
Planetary Solar Shield
The Ultimate Vicious Carnivore
Grow New Appendages

Just to keep our ears to the ground, and to learn what overtly is going on - read this recent report from Popular Science on 'The Scariest Ideas in Science' - including:
Reanimated Infection
Merciless Robot Soldiers
Planetary Solar Shield
The Ultimate Vicious Carnivore
Grow New Appendages

Hey Kingsley,
I'd recently read that article...pretty amazing and scary stuff.
I know that these scientists are human beings and (by and large) have no extremely distasteful motivations, but it still scares me to think that human frailty plays a role in such experimentation...
You can probably guess that most of these projects are partly funded by military sources, indirectly...
The future is a human story, for better or for worse...
Thanks for popping by...
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