Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Coming Bio-Economy

Going small... the future is in the minute, micro universe rather than the macro - according to the bio-economy. In LIFEBOAT FOUNDATION SPECIAL REPORT - GETTING READY FOR THE COMING BIO-ECONOMY: AN ADVANCE SURVEY WITH TEN PRACTICAL TIPS Scott Borg - Director and Chief Economist of the U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit - has this to say:

1) Learn to Let Things Operate Slightly Out of Control
2) Think Small, Think Very, Very Small
3) Look First in the Cracks and Shadows
4) Open Everything to the Spotlight Right Away
5) Don't Let Your Big Picture Be a "Picture"
6) Promote Collective, Self-Organizing Processes
7) Look for Biological Efficiencies, Not Mechanical Ones
8) Expect the Value to be in the Source Codes
9) Don't Assume Politics Will Remain Less Changed Than Business
10) Watch for the Tipping Points in These Technological Waves

'If we step back and try to take a long-range view of these developments, there are three big themes that emerge:

The first big theme is that everything, in the future, will be saturated with ideas. This is not just a matter of information permeating everything. It's a matter of thought or concepts dominating the economy in a new way.

The second big theme is that everything will be recognized to depend on creativity.

The third big theme is that everything will become increasingly individualized.

This, too, is something that was already happening as a result of information technology. For several years now, there has been talk of "mass customization", of "personalizing" information media and advertising, and of providing "unique solutions." But the bio-economy takes this to a whole new level.'

So we are dealing with the information of ideas... and individualisation - question is, will it be a positive or negative type of individualism?

Last man standing... or we all stand together?

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